외국인과 함께 세계의 다양한 언어, 문화, 에티켓 체험
Language Fellowship 언어원정대는 세계 각지에서 온 “언어의 달인”들이 자신의 지식과 경험을 나눌 수 있도록 만든 플렛폼으로 참가자들의 주도로 외국인과 함께 세계의 다양한 언어와 문화, 에티켓을 체험하며 활동을 하며, 이를 통해 얻어진 지식을 바탕으로 국제적인 식견을 넓히고, 외국인과 적극적으로 의사소통 해보고자 하는 태도를 길러주고자 하는 프로젝트 입니다.
1. 목적
한국 학생들은 점수를 내는 데는 아주 뛰어난 반면에 국제사회에서의 실질적인 외국인과의 소통 같은 능력은 아직 그에 미치지 못합니다. 한국의 청소년들은 긴 학교수업과 별도로 72%의 학생들이 과외/학원 수업을 받고 있습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 많은 학생들이 외국인과의 소통에 상당히 주저하고 자신이 없어합니다. 핀란드의 교실마다 쓰여져 있는 “아이들을 삶에 대비시키는 것 – 이것이 우리가 매일 하는 일이다” 문구를 상기하며 세계 각지에서 온 “언어의 달인” 들이 청소년들과 자신의 지식과 경험을 나눌 수 있도록 플렛폼을 만들었습니다.
문화가 다른 국가에서 온 외국인 Mentor가 진행하는 수업은 그 자체로써 글로벌 수업이 될 수 있습니다. 참가자들은 세계의 다양한 다른 문화에 대한 인식을 가지게 되고 자신이 속한 그룹 외에 더 큰 세상에 있는 다양한 사람들과 문화들에 대하여 이해하고 체험하면서 또한 자신이 속한 사회에 대하여 더 깊이 이해하게 될 것입니다.
2. 왜 다른 언어와 문화에 대해 배워야 하나요?
제2언어 습득은 인지도, 기억력, 듣기 능력을 향상 시킨다고 많은 실험결과에서 말합니다.
Miranda Marquit은 아이들이 새로운 문화에 대한 교육을 받는다면 미래에 그 아이들이 외국의 문화와 사람들에 쉽게 적응하게 된다고 말했습니다. 세계는 점점 급속하게 지구촌화 되어가고 있기 때문에 새로운 문화와 사람들에 적응하는 능력은 매우 중요합니다.
3. 지구촌 사회와 교류하는 것이 어떻게 청소년들의 생각을 열어줄 수 있나요?
언어와 소통에 있어서 언어는 청소년들에게 새로운 환경에 적응하는데 있어서 큰 장벽일 때가 많습니다.
언어능력의 한계는 자신감을 떨어뜨리며, 일상 생활과 사회생활에도 어려움을 가져옵니다. 만약 청소년들이 다른 문화와 언어에 익숙해져 있다면, 새로운 환경과 사람들을 만나는 것을 쉽고 즐겁게 할 수 있을 것입니다.

1 Team
Foreigner Mentor 1
Student Mentee 5
(매주 1회 90분)
Foreigner Mentor
3개국 이상의 언어가 능통한 외국인
Student Mentee
외국어에 흥미가 있고 국제적인 식견을 갖추려는 자
(해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자)
외국인과 꼭 해보고 싶은 프로젝트 발굴
세계에 알리고 싶은 한국이야기
연세대학교 국제학부 국제통상학
Language : Korean, English, Russian, Turkish, Turkic
1) 구희원 당산중학교 1학년 Leader
2) 임강연 당산중학교 1학년 Photo
3) 신유경 당산중학교 1학년
4) 최민서 당산중학교 1학년
5) 이유화 당산중학교 1학년
6) 노아린 당산중학교 1학년
활동기간 : 2018년 10월 ~ 12월 매주 일요일 2시간
Day 11
2018-12-09 Sunday 2:30pm~5:30pm
Subject : Filming day. Farewell party
Activity Goal : To leave warm memories.
Language used : 한국어, 영어
The details (180')
The class starts with the greetings and mentor asking about student’s feelings.
As planned we started shooting our video about 6 Princesses World travel. It took us to shoot and to edit the video around two hours because as soon as there were some long texts it was hard for students to shoot successfully from the first time. After shooting while Bella was editing the video we all together listened to some songs from the movie ” The Greatest Showman” and watched the video parts on the Youtube.
When the video was ready we watched it all together and started farewell party.
The mentor brought some cookies and sweets, so while enjoying them we talked about the classes and about the future. Later we played the game “Rolling Paper”, which is about leaving messages to each other by rolling the paper around. We left memorable messages to each other and what was shocking is that the students tried to write the message for the teacher in English. It did not matter even if there were mistakes. What matters was that they tried their best and they express their emotions and feelings.
Day 10
2018-12-2 Sunday 2:30pm~5:30pm
Subject : Freestyle conversations
Activity Goal : To learn to talk without fears. To share Korean culture with foreigner.
Language used : 한국어, 영어
Method of Teaching : None
The details (180')
The class starts with the greetings and mentor asking about student’s feelings and experiences since the last class.
As the last class was a movie day, there was a discussion about feeling on the movie we watched.
Later the conversations on different topics started such as:
Conversation about the Class schedule- The next class is going to be the last one so we planned what way should we spend our last day together.
Conversation about Korean food tradition which is not anywhere else- the students were introducing their traditional food which the mentor never heard that might be eaten. Also, they explained that in old periods when Korea was too poor their ancestors even used to eat frogs, dogs and insects too.
Conversation about Phobia- Most had no phobia, some had phobia of heights and the mentor has trypophobia.
Conversation about Attractions- as the topic of phobia was opened and as most were afraid of heights we also discussed how is it to ride attractions in the parks.
Conversation about my life- Mentor explained to the students about her life experiences and how she made it to come to Korea, and study abroad far from her family and work and earn her spendings by herself. The purpose was to let students that everything is possible is you dream high and keep trying even if you fall.
Conversation about university life- Mentor also gave some introduction about how is it going to be at the University where they soon will need to attend also.
Conversation about the play and video- Also there was a discussion how should we make the video of our play which we already scripted. We decided to film it next class and upload it to the Youtube. Also, we decided to make the video more fun so we added more funny conversations.
In the last 30 minutes of the class mentor Kim, had a small conversation with the students about the laws of life to make the students more ambitious about globalizing and being open to new challenges.
Day 9
2018-11-25 Sunday 2:30pm~5:30pm
Subject : Cinema Day
Place : CGV Yeongdeungpo Branch
Activity Goal : Movie in English all together.
Language used : 한국어, 영어
Method of Teaching : None
The details (90')
The day of cinema started with mentor asking how are the students. We bought the tickets and entered the cinema room and as the cinema was more than 2.5 hours right after the movie we separated and went back home. The movie was: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. After the movie ended we took a photo all together and shared a little our thoughts about the movie.
Day 8
2018-11-21 Wednesday 6:30pm~8:30pm
Subject : Party “Flower Party”
Place : Dangsan Middle School
Activity Goal : To share time all together with parents, students, friends, teachers and foreigners
Language used : 한국어, 영어
Method of Teaching : None
The details (120')
Mentor and other foreign guests arrived earlier to meet with the students and prepare the party room. After decorating the room other guests started arriving and there were more people than expected. The table was too small for that amount of people however everybody enjoyed the time. The party started from self -introduction one by one. First students gave self-introduction in English and then foreigners and Mentor with the Principle. Later we had time to eat some food all together. As at the party were small children too, the party was quite loud and full of fun. The mentor talked to every parent one by one about the student’s achievements and the program itself. Later the children started playing games while parents, Mentor Kim and a mentor (Aylar) had a discussion about the programs advantages and disadvantages.
1. Lack of information about the program
2. Absence of direct contacts with parents
3. Lateness of activity reports
Of course, there were visible advantages also. Such as student’s openness to conversation with foreigners and freedom in self-expression.
The party ended with the photo shoot all together and cleaning the party room.
The result from the part was that Mentor Learned what was lack to do while teaching and the students learned to be responsible as the party whole was prepared only by students. The party was a great chance for parents also to meet the mentor and be sure that their children are really having fun and right education in the project.
Day 7
2018-11-18 Sunday 2:30pm~4:30pm
Subject : Planning the party, how to be responsible???
Activity Goal : To teach students to be responsible by giving them separate jobs.
Language used : 한국어, 영어
Method of Teaching : Internet, monitor, self ideas
The details (90')
The class starts with mentors speech about the new class content. Mentor asks how are the students doing and feeling. This class is going to be about how to plan a party and how do divide the responsibilities.
Color Party discussion:
The party is going to be in the style of rainbow with different color handmade flowers and animals. We decided the day of a party as 21st November which is in next week Wednesday.
Responsible person:
1. Decoration - Chloe (To decide what colors to use, to check if everybody brought their handmade things and decide how the classroom is going to look like)
2. Food – Bella (To decide who and in what amount should bring what food)
3. Invite people – Helen and Diana (To decide how many people will come to the party and make invitation letters and give them to those people and then to check if all of them are available to come)
4. Program – Erica and Lea (To make a program of the party, what games to play and what activities to do) Each responsible person chose the best thing for themselves which they think they will be able to do perfectly.
After, we decided how many people are going to come. And had time to write down the invitation letter which is going to be like: Dear, …
We would like to invite you to our “Color Party” which is going to be on 21st November at 4pm in our Dangsan Middle school.
With love,
English Team
Day 6
2018-11-11 Sunday 2:30pm~4:30pm
Subject : Writing script for our Play “6 Princesses adventures”
Place : Coffee Bean the 2nd floor of office building
Activity Goal : To have fun together by feeling yourself as a princess
Language used : 한국어, 영어
Method of Teaching : Free style conversations
The details (90')
Mentor starts the class with the questions: How was their week and weekend?
Repeat last class grammar and make out notes about the mistakes.
Grammar: I am bored/ I am boring.
Giving some examples so they would understand it more clearly.
Then altogether wrote down the script of the play.
World travel of 6princesses
After meeting for a long period they decide to go for a travel. However, as soon as their preferences are different they are getting to into the fight, where to go. As soon as sleeping Aroura likes to sleep, she says it would be better to go to somewhere silent and Mulan wants to go to historical countrysides and find Masters and as soon as Anna used to live in the cold place for so long she wants to go to hot places. Bella wants to go to the forest where there will be lots of animals and Snow-white wants to go to her 7 dwarfs. In the end Rapunzel calms her friends and says that what is important is that to go for a trip with friends.
One day Rapunzel invites all her Princess friends to her family palace.
Rapunzel : Welcome dear friends. I am really glad to see all of you after so long. How have you all been?
Bell: I have been doing well. I have read a lot books that are in my castle.
Mulan: I was doing well too. I have been training lots of soldiers, preparing them for the dangerous cases.
Anna: I am good also, I have been traveling around with Cristofer and it was a lot of fun.
Snow-white: I am fine, I was fighting with my stomach after eating the apple.
Aurora: I have been sleeping a lot as always so, I am doing great too.
Anna: How have you been Rapunzel?
Rapunzel: I was doing well and taking care of my hair.
Everybody: yeah your hair looks good..
Mulan : Why don’t we o for a travel ?
Everybody: yeah, why not?
Bell: where can we go?
Aurora: Lets go to silent resorts, where we could have rest from busy city side.
Mulan: No, no lets go to historical country sides and find the Masters and learn how to fight.
Anna: What? Noo lets go somewhere hot where there is a sea and a beach and have a real rest
Bell: Lets go to flower yard, where there are lots of various flowers with different colors
Snow-white: Lets go to apple garden and enjoy eating apples.
The princesses got into a quarrel and couldn’t decide where to go. Then:
Rapunzel: Hey, calm down. We wont be able to choose if you will keep fighting. Lets not fight. The important thing is not a place, its more important to be together. It doesn’t matter where we go, matters that we go together. Lets find out the place that will be good for all of us…
Bell: She is right. I am sorry, its more important that we met after so long and can spend time together.
Snow- white: yes, I am sorry too.
Anna: Me too
Mulan: I am sorry either
Aurora: Sorry guys I fell asleep again. What were we talking about?
Day 5
2018-11-04 Sunday 2:30pm~4:30pm
Subject : British or American accent?/ adjectives and prepositions
Activity Goal : To show up the differences between British accent and American accent through listening to conversations
Language used : 한국어, 영어
Method of Teaching : Website www.learnenglsih.britishcouncil.org
The details (90')
The class started differently because 2 students were late to the class. After waiting for them around 15 minutes we started the class. They let us know that they took wrong bus so they were going to be late.
Mentor: starts the class asking how are the students feeling today. After gave some instructions about how the class is going to be conducted today.
Adjectives and prepositions:
‘At” I’mquite good at English but I’m bad at math’s and I’m terrible at physics.
“For”Jogging is good for your health but smoking is bad for you.
“Of”I’m very fond of this old sweatshirt.
“With”We’re very pleased with your progress.
“To” She’s the one who’s married to a doctor, isn’t she?
After altogether doing online test.
After the test passing to listening skills
Listening to the discussion between Julia and Sammy about how they met.
Julia: Hey! You! Watch out!
Sammy: I'm sorry. Julia: This is a bike path!
Sammy: I'm sorry!
Julia: It's for bikes.
Sammy: I'm sorry.
Julia: It isn't for people.
Sammy: Erm ... sorry?
Julia: People run over there in the park.
Sammy: Oh! Right!
Julia: People don't run here.
Sammy: Erm ... sorry.
Julia: Dangerous.
Sammy: I'm very sorry!
Julia and Sammy: Taxi!
Julia: This is my taxi.
Sammy: No, this is my taxi.
Julia: Look, I ... Oh, it's you!
Sammy: Oh, it's you!
Taxi driver: Where are you going?
Julia and Sammy: To 15 Lancaster Road.
Taxi driver: Lancaster Road. OK, get in.
Julia: Well ...
Sammy: Ladies first!
Julia: Oh, erm ... thanks.
Sammy: Are you going to Tom's party?
Julia: Yes, I am. Are you going, too?
Sammy: Yes, I am. Tom's my friend.
Julia: Tom's my friend, too!
Sammy: I'm Sammy.
Julia: Hi, Sammy. My name's Julia.
Sammy: Hi, Julia. Pleased to meet you.
After listening take a test and check their listening skills.
Giving them homework:
Make example sentences for the new grammar we learned.
Day 4
2018-11-28 Sunday 2:30pm~4:30pm
Subject : How is it to be in the top? Etiquette
Activity Goal : To make students feel themselves as a leader, somebody that is important, somebody who achieved the high
Language used : 한국어, 영어
Method of Teaching : Mobilemusic birthday party
The details (90')
The class started from the preparation of a surprise for the birthday girl Chloe. Altogether we prepared a cake and pretended that we forgot about her birthday and surprised her by appearing with the cake. We divided cake and enjoyed it for a while. While eating mentor asks how was their week and how is their weekend going on? Then:
Mentor: Gives an introduction about today’s subject, which is Etiquette: How it feels to be famous lady?
First, let’s remember what was the homework? Learning the Lyrics of the song “Let it go”.
Singing all together:
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like I’m the Queen
Trying to make an imaginary event, where all of us are some important personalities.
Chloe: famous compositor
Bella: Famous producer (film maker)
Lea: owner of a famous music group
Erica: famous artist(drawer)
Helen: Famous group producer
Diana: Famous dancer
Every student received a name cards and pretended coming to the event with their secretaries.
Learning introduction skills, how to walk, how to hold the beverage glasses and how to sit and eat.
Imaginary discussion about their career lives and how are they doing with their new projects.
Day 3
2018-10-21 Sunday 3:30pm~5:30pm
Subject : English through music/ Past simple/Past Continuous
Activity Goal : To check students listening and understanding skills, vocabulary andpronunciation trough listening and singing the songs
Language used : 한국어, 영어
Method of Teaching : Internet, monitor, youtube
The details (90')
Greets the class and asks How are the students doing? How is their weekend going?
Asks about the homework and checking the homework all together.
Read out the sentences they prepared one by one.
Gave change to Erica to choose a song :
Song name: Friends
By : Marshmello
You say you love me, I say you crazy
We are nothing more than friends
You’re not my lover, more like a brother
I know you since we were like ten…
Listen to the song all together once
By listening for the second time, to try to translate all together
Third time sing all together
Mentor advises some more good songs to listen and to try to understand( Climb – Mylie Cyrus)
Mentor: Gives a lecture about a new a new grammar and example sentences – Past Simple and Past Continuous
What did you eat for dinner yesterday? – I ate chicken for dinner yesterday
What were you doing when I called you yesterday night? – I was doing my homework when you called me.
Free style conversations on a new grammar.
After giving some examples make a discussion using a new grammar
Homework : learn the lyrics of the song “Let it go”
Day 2
2018-10-14 Sunday 4:30pm~6:30pm
Subject : Meeting a foreigner. How to make a conversation? Past simple/Past continuous
Place : Coffee Bean the 2nd floor of office building
Activity Goal : To teach the students how to act when you first meet the foreigner
Language used : 한국어, 영어
Method of Teaching : 인터넷, 노트북
The details (90')
Introduces the guest and lets students know the subject of the days class
Matthias(guest from France, currently doing master’s degree exchange at Chungang University computer science major )
Gives a brief self-introduction and asks students to do the same
Students one by one gives self-introduction
Guest asks questions about himself (Where he came from? How old is he?)
The students should answer correctly in English
During their conversation mentor had been checking their grammar and correcting their mistakes (When you come to Korea? X – When did you come to Korea?)
Aylar( mentor)
Explains about the days grammar: Past simple/ past continuous
Making sentences all together about the new grammar: I did my homework at 8pm last night. / I was reading a book when my friend called me.
All together make conversations with the new grammar about the things that students have done on the day before.
Check the last class homework ( write down a story about 6disney princesses to make a play about that later)
The script supposed to be written in the language they are comfortable with so the students brought their scripts written in Korean.
First student 구희원 read her story:
오랜만에 만난 여섯 공주들은 해외여행을 계획한다. 하지만 각자 가고 싶은 여행지가 달라서 싸우게 된다
오로라는 숙소에서 잠을 좋아해서 편하게 쉴수 있는 곳, 율라는 말과 함께 달릴 수 있는 초원이 있는 곳,
안나는 언니와 살면서 겨울을 많이 봐서 따듯한 곳으로, 벨은 야수와 함께 살아서 동물들이 있는 곳으로,
백설공주는 난장이들의 집이 있을 법한 숲 속을 원한다.
서로 자신들의 이익만 따지며 가고 싶다고 하자 여행을 간다는 것 자체를 좋아하는 라푼젤이 친구들을 제지한다. 다른 공주들은 가장 중요한 것이 바로 친구들과 함께하는 것이라는 걸 깨닫고 서로 잘 타협해서 여행을 간다.
Day 1
Subject : I want to know you well/ present simple-present continuous
Activity Goal : By having a picnic, get to know each other closer. Practice doing self-introductions
Language used : 한국어,영어
Method of Teaching : Freestyle conversations
The details (90')
The class has been conducted in the park as a picnic.
Mentor: Greets the students and asks how have they been? After greeting each other starting the class. Give instructions about how does the class going to be conducted. The grammar of the day: Present simple/Present continuous.
Mentor asks the students to give a brief self- introduction:
What is your name?
How old are you?
Where do you study?
What is your hobby?
How many people are there in your family?
How many siblings do you have?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite subject at school?
After every student is done introducing themselves mentor asks questions about each student to others, so checking their listening skills and checking their concentration abilities.
How many siblings does Chloe got?
What is the hobby of Bella?
What is favorite subject of Diana?...
After the conversation about themselves make out a new conversation about the day today and the nature around.
What day is today? – Bella answers: today is Sunday October 7th
How is the weather today? – Diana: Today is sunny and warm
What colors can you see around? – Altogether: Blue, white, red, purple, green…
What can you see around?- Erica: River, buildings, mountains, sky, sun, people, kite,
After mentor asks questions about their hobbies:
Chloe said that she likes playing instruments, what instruments can she play?- Piano and Violin
Erica said she likes drawing, what usually she likes to draw and what colors she likes more?- People and purple
Diana said she liked dancing, what style dances she prefers more?- Free style
Bella said she likes movies, what kind of moves she likes?- fantastic
Lea and Helen said they like listening to music, what music they like more? – K-POP