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Foreign Students World Reporters’ Amazing First Meeting

Updated: Jan 3, 2020

On Friday, 19th September, our Foreign Students World Reporters Program had an exciting orientation for its new members who, after successfully passing the final round of the selection, were selected as reporters. The orientation was amazing with various of sections, including introduction of the program and members, special lecture about media, team building and after party.

The event started with a detailed introduction of the program, so that all the newbies could understand its mission and vision. With the main goal of “Letting the world know about the social values of Korean society”, our World Reporters Program aims to create useful platforms while making various and accurate information about everything happening in Korea widely accessible. What makes this information different, however, is that it is delivered from the point of view of foreigners living here. Instead of merely posting on our website, this time we plan to publish all of our content on SNS such as Instagram and YouTube as well, which means that it will be more diverse and easily available.

In the case of the current 8th edition of the program, our activity schedule focuses on visiting companies and conducting interviews with opinion leaders. Our target is Korean companies, people and organizations that have the potential social values which we want to learn more about and share with all foreigners: not only with those living in Korea, but also with friends in our home countries. As students from different backgrounds, we have multi-dimensional perspectives about life in Korea. Therefore, besides spreading out the meaningful social values of this country, we share real experiences as well as problem-solving skills we have acquired here.

Moreover, as representatives of foreigner students in Korea, it is important that we meet considerably high standards to make sure that all of our content is constructive. Therefore, one of the highlights of our 8th edition is inviting leading experts in various fields and organizing monthly special lectures for our members. And at the end of each month, we are holding networking parties at our headquarters to have an overview of what we have accomplished in the course of the past month and discuss the plans for the next month in detail. Thus, we promise to not only have an effective work process, but also to create a pleasant environment for better ideas.

After the serious part of the orientation was over, the atmosphere became more exciting with the introduction of the team members. Firstly, there was a short speech of Mr. Sungchul Kim who has been the excellent mentor of not only our World Reporters Program, but also the overall Next Generation Leaders Forum since the beginning. Secondly, the mike was passed to our second mentor, Mr. Sungjin Hwang, the CEO and founder of “ShareNcare”, who later brought to us a special lecture about media and marketing. After that, the World Reporters Program’s leaders stood up introducing themselves. Jana Milosavljevic from Serbia is our project manager in general. We are divided into 3 small groups: Editorial team, Media team and Event planning team, with the leader of each group respectively being Margarita Kichukova, Aylar Hodzhayeva and Amira Meftahi. Besides, researcher Felicia Istad from Korea University is going to help us with professional research-related issues when we write our articles. Finally, all of the new members made a simple three-minute presentation about themselves and their own ideas about working on the project in the future. Amazingly, we are all from different countries with diverse cultures, regions and lifestyles. By cooperating with each other in this project, we have dedicated our efforts to grasping a comprehensive view of Korean society and its values. Furthermore, we believe that this is a great chance for us to globalize our mindsets and develop self-improvement skills.

The orientation continued with the special lecture about media from Mr. Sungjin Hwang. He taught us about how nowadays each person has become a media on their own. Moreover, he mentioned the importance of connections between us and others. It was just the first step towards all the things we can learn in the future by being an international reporter. Finally, after the lecture the orientation ended with a cozy party from our sponsors. If the orientation was the time when our members only got to know each other, then the party helped us become closer since we shared more about our countries, our lives in Korea and our personal stories.

We can say that this was such a promising start for the Foreign Students World Reporters Program. Together, we would like to help you understand Korean social values in thorough via useful articles, photos and videos. If you are looking forward to our interesting content in the future, keep an eye on our official website, Instagram and YouTube channel.

Ready for a new start!

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