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SOTO: The Original Soup of Kudus

"Food represents its place."

Coming to Kudus, Indonesia is incomplete if you haven't enjoyed a bowl of Soto Ayam (Chicken Soto), Soto Kerbau (Buffalo-Meat Soto) and Nasi Pindang typical of Kudus. This must be a menu to enjoy for breakfast or lunch. Kudus City does not sell processed beef as a symbol of following Sunan Kudus's cultural-role in respecting the Hindu community, because cow is sacred animal in Hinduism.

Soto Kuah (Soup)

Chicken Soto and Buffalo-Meat Soto that have been ordered will surely surprise visitors with the flood of sauce in a small bowl sprinkled with chicken and buffalo meat. For Chicken Soto, one bowl contains rice with clear gravy sprinkled with shredded free-range chicken, cabbage leaves, a sprinkling of bean sprouts and celery, last but not least fried garlic which adds the delicacy of a bowl of Chicken Soto.

While for a bowl of Soto Kerbau also contains white rice with a sauce seasoned with special spices plus soft and tender pieces of buffalo meat. A sprinkling of sliced ​​cabbage, celery leaves, bean sprouts and fried onions add to the delicacy of your breakfast or lunch.

Of course there are additional menus, such as jeruk pecel (lemon) to add accidity/ freshness to the sauce and spicy chili sauce to save the sensation of delicious Soto which is provided at the table for free. There are also egg satay, potato cakes and also rambak (skin crackers).

Nasi Pindang with Banana Leaf

The name of Nasi Pindang ain't represents Pindang Fish. However, it is chicken meat that has been processed with special spices. Sometimes people equate it with Nasi Rawon. Unlike Soto Ayam and Soto Kerbau which are served in a bowl, one portion of Nasi Pindang is served on a plate covered with banana leaves.

Nasi Pindang contains shredded chicken, melinjo leaves and of course white rice with a pale brown sauce. The thick color comes from the processed spices in the savory Pindang seasoning and coconut milk which are cooked until fragrant. This is the difference between Nasi Pindang and Rawon, which is more soy leaves and kluwak spices. So the taste is also very strong and distinctive. As a complement during breakfast or lunch, Nasi Pindang can be added with crackers and chili sauce.

Nasi Pindang with Banana Leaf

The name of Nasi Pindang ain't represents Pindang Fish. However, it is chicken meat that has been processed with special spices. Sometimes people equate it with Nasi Rawon. Unlike Soto Ayam and Soto Kerbau which are served in a bowl, one portion of Nasi Pindang is served on a plate covered with banana leaves.

Nasi Pindang contains shredded chicken, melinjo leaves and of course white rice with a pale brown sauce. The thick color comes from the processed spices in the savory Pindang seasoning and coconut milk which are cooked until fragrant. This is the difference between Nasi Pindang and Rawon, which is more soy leaves and kluwak spices. So the taste is also very strong and distinctive. As a complement during breakfast or lunch, Nasi Pindang can be added with crackers and chili sauce.


Written By: Etika Sukma Adiyanti

Layout By: Etika Sukma Adiyanti

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khadija Naveed
khadija Naveed
Oct 10, 2022

etika share recipe ll try some day

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