Written by : Korea Wanderers
When I was in Busan, I was dying to visit Youngkungsa Temple (해동용궁사). Since my accommodation was on Haeundae beach (해운대), there were plenty of direct buses (139, 181, 100, 1001). All those buses bring you to the bus stop, which has same name as the temple. From that point you need to walk 14 minutes a little bit up (so be prepared), but you will not be lost because there would be a lot of people heading the same direction and of course there would be sign. When you will arrive to the place the first thing you will see is a market, and after you go through it you will finally see the temple.
해운대에서 해동용궁사까지 버스 몇개 있어서 편하게 탈 수 있습니다. 도착해서 14분 동안 걸어가고 시장을 지나간 다음에 해동용궁사가 보입니다.

Youngkungsa temple (해동용궁사) has the status of the most beautiful temple in South Korea. It is located on the sea shore in Busan.
대한민국에 가장 아름다운 해동용궁사는 부산에 있습니다.
When I heard about the most beautiful temple in South Korea I decided to visit it immediately. And I wasn't disappointed. Right on the seashore the temple looks gorgeous, with the beautiful sea beneath it.
해동용궁사는 바다 옆에 있어서 뷰가 정말 예쁘고 가볼만한 곳입니다.

The temple is so beautiful that I didn't miss opportunity to visited it twice. My first time was before the pandemic and there was a huge amount of people, even though it was a weekday. However, when I visited during pandemic the amount of people was reduced to only a few. That is how popular this place is.
코로나시기어도 주말이 아니어도 반문자들이 그대로 많이 찾아옵니다. 정말 인기많은 곳입니다.

On the property of the temple you may see wonderful statues of dragons and Buddha.
해동용궁사에서 아름다운 동상들이 몇 개를 볼 수 있고 사람들이 사진도 많이 찍습니다.

As well as elegant pagodas. All statues and temple buildings in combination with stunning sea view bring calm and joy to the viewers.

After viewing the temple you may have chance to walk on the sea shore road which will bring you then to the small port. If I would have chance to come again to the temple I will definitely do it.
꼭 다시 한번 가보고 싶습니다.